November 12, 2013

Stop by and "Like" my Lupus Hope Facebook page!

Click the link below to visit Lupus Hope on Facebook. Please "like" Lupus Hope to receive tips and hints on easing Lupus symptoms and living a healthy lifestyle.

Go Gluten Free and Fix Your Brain by Kelly Brogan MD

Folks with Lupus often have brain fog and memory problems. I remember sometimes my brain felt just to tired to think. I would want to run away from problems. My brain felt so much better when I added supplements and took out the foods I was allergic/intolerant to. The main ones being wheat/gluten, dairy, and eggs.

I've Been Slacking...

Realized I've been slacking off on routinely writing for Lupus Hope. I have been posting some on Facebook. I have to double check if I have a link on my blog to my Lupus Hope Facebook page. Since my move to Eastern Long Island way too much has been going on.

Started my children in their Senior year, last year, out here and they didn't do well at all. So we rented an apartment to get them back into their old school district. The added expense of the apartment and gas for travel, hurt, plus paying for our current mortgage as well.

Then this year they both started college and more money was needed.

Also 2 sick and old doggies (the dogs are 10 and 11 years old) in the mix and vet trips. One dog has developed incontinence, the other has a mass that we think is cancer....(even with feeding the dogs quality homemade raw food diets... go figure)

OK enough about me. I had 2 reasons for starting this blog.
1) To document my Lupus healing journey
2) To share information to help others with Lupus and other autoimmune diseases (and other diseases of other types) because something I try, or research, or learn can possibly help you all and your friends and family