December 28, 2010

Found a Few Really Great Books... Again!

"Nature's Secret Messages hidden in plain sight"by Elaine Wilkes

"Raw Food for Everyone" by Alissa Cohen... New Book

Look at the Amazon links... one of the books you can look inside to see a few pages....also remember you can get these books for free from your local library...if you don't see them, ask your librarian and he/she can interloan from another library to be shipped to your local library for pick up.

December 24, 2010

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays

May the peace of the holiday season wash over you.  May you be filled with joy this season and may you find the answers to be healthier each and everyday. May God make your day easier by giving you green lights when driving, finding things you have misplaced, getting an unexpected call from an old dear friend, giving you a good report at the doctor's office, less aches and pains, more energy, and offer many other random acts of kindness in your life.

Have a day filled with peace and joy! Remember if all else fails, you get to pick the attitude you take if you have problems in your life! Be bitter, sad  ,angry... or be happy? I'll pick.... happy! If life gets you down don't let it get you down too long....find out what you can do to make it better...even if it is as easy as taking a nap to have more energy later.

December 23, 2010

What YOU would like to see on my blog!

When I asked what you all would like to see on my blog on the last poll,  it looks like everyone is OK with the content right now... but some of you voiced that you would like more holiday recipes and also a day to day "get well" plan.

I will work on both. I am excited to share some tips and recipes with you all . Again, thanks for the responses! Be Well!

Gluten Free Vegan Gingerbread Cookies/Men

2nd Revision ! (sorry forgot the molasses and adjusted the spices)


2 cups gluten free flour mix (recipe follows)
1 tsp baking soda
1 and 1/2 tsp xanthan gum
1/4 cup flax meal (ground flax seeds)
3/4 tsp salt
2-3 TBSP grated ginger or 1 and a 1/2 -2 TBSP ground ginger
2 tsp cinnamon
1/4 tsp allspice (optional)
1/4 tsp nutmeg
pinch of ground Cloves (optional)
3/4 cup sugar (evap. cane juice)
1 cup melted coconut oil /butter
2 TBSP applesauce
1/4 cup molasses (blackstrap)
2 tsp rum  or rum extract (optional)

Sift dry ingredients into a large mixing bowl. Whisk together.

In a separate small bowl whisk wet ingredients together. Combine the wet ingredients into the dry ingredients.

If making cookies. Roll into balls and dip in Demerara sugar place on parchment lined cookie sheet and press flat with hand or GF flour coated flat bottom of a drinking glass.

Bake for 15-20 minutes at 350 degrees

If making gingerbread men. Refrigerate dough for 30 minutes and use extra GF flour mix to roll out dough between 2 pcs of parchment paper and cut into gingerbread men shapes. Place on parchment lined cookie sheets. Bake 15-20 minutes at 350 degrees  and  cool and decorate as desired.

Gluten free flour mix (2 cups total)

1 cup + 1 TBSP garbanzo/fava flour
1/2 + 2TBSP cup potato starch
1/4 + 1 TBSP cup arrowroot starch

For more gluten free and mostly vegan recipes go to and

Geothermal Engineering by the Gov't????

Disturbing video...the gov't is possibly spraying chemical trails by jet to combat global warming??? Really???

What in The World Are They Spraying? from Eric Johnson on Vimeo.

December 21, 2010

Check out

Found out about this site in a post from Mark Hyman MD.  Interactive  "101 ways to be Healthy"  has some great reminders on simple steps to take stay healthy or regain your health.

Here's the Mark Hyman Article

December 17, 2010

Natural Thyroid Health by Women to Women

A friend of mine had told me to request this newsletter. Sign up to receive it if you'd like. More terrific and healing information! This post was on things to do to correct hypothyroidism.

December 15, 2010

1 in 4 people are Gluten intolerant and NOT Celiacs!

A video (sorry... checked with dr. Doni and there is no audio with this yet, but you can read the slides and get the gist) with Dr. Doni ND (Naturopathic Doctor). She has excellent insight and is a wonderful doctor.

Understanding Gluten Intolerance from Donielle Wilson on Vimeo.

GF Vegan Pizzelles

Don't forget my sister site for gluten free and vegan recipes. At the very bottom of this post is the link for 2 pizzelle recipes I came up with. recipe site is for occasional treats. Don't overdo! These treats are usually gluten free and vegan (no dairy or eggs or meat) but still have sugar and other things to cut down on...but we all need a treat now and then...

For even healthier and healing treats go to Still delicious but raw and macrobiotics and healthy

Pizzelle recipe

December 14, 2010

My Husband's Allergy Test vs. Mine

These are NOT our actual IgG tests.... just an example to see what an unhealthy person (top- lots of strong reactions to foods)with symptoms of disease looks like compared to a healthy person's (2nd test- low to almost no reaction to foods) IgG test.

My naturopathic doctor, Dr. Steve, says in his practice generally patients with chronic disease, diabetes, cancer, lupus, multiple sclerosis,etc. who take a IgG allergy/food sensitivities/intolerances test, generally have many more allergies/sensitivities/intolerances than healthy people with no symptoms/diagnosis of disease. Many other doctors believe this also.

In comparing my IgG to my husband's (or my daughter's to my son's), the girls in the family have MANY more food sensitivities/intolerances and also higher scores on those sensitivities. Is it our genes? Are we true Celiacs and the boys are not?

So if you have any chronic health issue it is worth getting an IgG test. At the very least, you can avoid the foods you are intolerant to for a time and lessen any symptoms you may have,(headaches/sinus pain/joint pains/stomach pains etc.), but also you will know you have digestive issues that need to be examined for the root cause... and then those issues can be taken care of to bring your body back to health.

What comes first, the food sensitivity or the leaky gut/digestive problems /toxins/heavy metals/candida(yeast) / nutritional deficiencies problem?  I don't know, but in unhealthy people they all seem to appear together...

Something causes the food allergies and food allergies, many times, can be cured... they are not always for life. There may be instances where you are lactose intolerant and do well to stay away from dairy for life...or if you are a Celiac you may need to stay away from gluten for life.

Something that is always in the back of my mind Celiac Disease cureable? Don't jump on me here for voicing my opinion...Some doctors believe it can be cured. I don't know what to believe at this point on there being a cure for Celiac Disease....but I think God created our bodies with the ability to cure anything given the means (eliminating toxins, proper nutrition, correcting digestion, getting rid of parasites, infections etc)
Or maybe humans just weren't meant to eat wheat??? It doesn't seem to be easily digestible for anyone...
Well I'll keep reading and researching...Have a great day!

December 13, 2010

Electro Magnetic Frequencies EMF's and Your Health

Heard about EMFs disrupting your electrical system in your body.  I am thinking about changing some things in my home and my life to lessen EMFs. Check out this article by Dr. Mercola.

December 10, 2010

What's Going on in Your Gut by Brenda Watson

Two essential tests to find out what's going on in your gut. I want to get these done!

Brenda Watson PBS Special

Last weekend I decided to take a rest in the afternoon and see what was interesting to watch on TV. I found a PBS special called "The Road to Perfect Health" with Brenda Watson. I was very impressed by the show and I looked her up further and found books at the library and looked at her website. I really enjoy her outlook. She really talks a lot about colon cleansing and probiotics and how important they are for healing.

I love her book "The Detox Strategy: Vibrant Health in 5 Easy Steps" by Brenda Watson , CNC (In later books she also has CT (Colonic Technician) and ND (Naturopathic Doctor)after her name) Click on the videos tab and " Colonics Fact and Fiction" for how a colonic is done.

December 8, 2010

December 3, 2010

Super Easy Raw Tacos with Raw Dawg Rory

I love avocadoes/guacamole this one is for me. Yummy!

Raw Creamy Ranch Dressing/Dip

I will eat salads with just olive oil or flax oil and raw apple cider vinegar or ume plum vinegar. I'll even just eat plain veggies in a kids, however, are much more into fancy dressings. Both my children have dairy intolerance. This one looks good to spice up veggies and make them more interesting whether for you or the kids! Who doesn't love creamy ranch dressing!

December 2, 2010

Thanks for the Poll Votes! Keep them Coming!

Thanks for the poll votes...please continue...I wanted to keep it to my followers or visitors first... then I may open it up to Twitter and such. Please if you are a follower or visitor let me know what you'd like to see on my blog! Thanks I want to get to know you all first! Have a great day!

November 30, 2010

Lupus and a Vegan Diet

I don't know if you should be a vegan for life ...or that your body needs a small amount of meat in the diet. However a vegan diet can provide so many more nutrients in the form of veggies, fruits, grains and seeds and nuts. This can be a very healing and cleansing diet.

On the flip side...I have seen numerous accounts in books and on the internet that there were never any extremely healthy vegan populations. For instance in Japan where people live longer, they eat fish and some meat, though very the mediterranean diet they eat small amounts of fish and meat...even in far off tribes there always seems to be some source of meat or fish or animal products (butter, raw milk, eggs or even snakes!) in the diet. My advice is whatever diet you choose make sure that you test your nutrient levels, vitamins, minerals and amino acids, fatty acids and such with an actual blood test, so that you KNOW your body is getting what it needs. Even if you are eating the BEST most rich nutrient dense foods if your digestion is off you won't be assimilating the nutrients properly...

I think the mistake we Americans make is that we overdo the animal products and we don't eat from the "garden" "produce aisle" and add the animal products as "condiments"(minimally) for flavor. Americans tend to eat a large serving of meat with little veggies and lots of potatoes (mostly fried). This is not the way to be healthy...

And the animal products we eat are not free rang,e living healthy farm lives, and getting all the nutrition they need to be healthy and disease free as well...

Here are some articles on vegan diets and healing Lupus and other diseases... I will try to put up some information on books that say we need animal products to be healthy as well....

See and research these medical doctors that believe vegan diets can help reverse disease

              Dr. John McDougall MD
              Dr. Joel Fuhrman MD
              Dr. Neal Barnard MD

Bill S510 Video

Big  farms and farmers can take over and squeeze out the little farms if this bill is passed, gov't can regulate food like it's a covert terrorist operation....I want the little farmers to grow me fresh organic foods. I  appreciate the work they do and the health that it creates when I drive out to Eastern Long Island in the summer and get fresh organic produce just picked that morning! Please call your senator and urge them not to pass Bill S510. Thank you! and the small farms thank you!

Bill S510 Video and Not Passed Last Night!

Please call your senators to say NO to Bill S510

November 29, 2010

Please Vote on my 2 New Polls

Visiting a park in our RV

2 new Polls 

I put one poll up to see if I  create a testimony spot for everyone to access to share ways to help Lupus, life, symptoms,reversals etc. that you all have come up with, would you post those ideas/testimonies?

I also have a second poll to see what you all would like to see covered on my blog.

Please vote. Thanks and have a GREAT day! : )

Poll Results: Gluten Free Helps Lupus Symptoms?

Me picking up leaves to make a craft

I had 22 people vote on this poll. Out of 22 people only 6 people said they experienced no change in health. Here are the rest of the results. People could vote only once but could choose multiple answers....16 people out of 22 felt better in some way.....good odds. (Always get tested for Celiac Disease BEFORE you go gluten free! Celiac Disease and Lupus often go hand in hand)

If you have Lupus and went Gluten Free or other foods free (ie sugar,dairy,eggs etc):

a) I believe it has lessened my Lupus symptoms 10    45%

b) It has made a dramatic effect on my health for the better  9    40%

c) No more headaches/sinus problems/less joint pains 4   18%

d) No change in health  6    27%

Soda Good for You??? NOT!!!!

One of the things that Kevin Gianni has learned this WELL PUT! Read below...Companies that sell junk food are just out to make money....they don't care about your health...but they'll try to sell you ANY WAY possible!!! It's just disgusting... Read the following and eat healthy and take care of yourself you are WORTH all the pearls in the ocean! Take great care of that body God gave you so that you can do good for yourself and others too!

From Kevin Gianni....

1. History always repeats itself.

This morning I woke up and read an article on

It was about how Coca-Cola was marketed to infants in the 1950's.

Basically, the "Soda Pop Board of America" launched a nationwide

campaign to pass along this message:

Coca-Cola and other colas...

- Promote active lifestyle.

- Boost personality.

- Gives the body essential sugars.

- Guarantees happiness.

- Improves social standing.

I know, I know... it sounds tempting. Give me a Coke Zero!

Anyway, this is historical evidence of industry manipulation that

has been happening ever since the advent of the printing press.

Here's how it goes...

1. Companies want to sell more stuff.

2. They get together and form a "board"

3. The board, funded by the companies, acts as a public relations

house that will lie, cheat and steal to make sure more people buy

the stuff.

4. People buy the stuff.

5. People get sick from the stuff.

6. The board denies that their stuff caused the sickness and blames

it on lack of exercise.

Are we too naive to think that this isn't happening now?

Here's the article:

Call to Action Stopping GMO Foods Bill S510 from Becoming a Reality

The following is an excerpt of an email I received from Natural News. My husband and I will call our senator today. PLEASE call your senators or the number below...every call counts..please call today before 5pm as the bill is to be voted on and this is out LAST day to speak out! To find out more read below...

NaturalNews Insider Alert ( ) email newsletter

Dear NaturalNews readers,

This is it -- it's our last chance to halt S.510, the proposed "Food Tyranny Act" that would hand over new powers to the FDA to regulate and criminalize raw milk, food farming and seed saving.

S 510 is to the U.S. food supply what the Patriot Act is to the Bill of Rights.

Watch my urgent call-to-action video (5 minutes) right here:

Read my call-to-action article at:

Share these with your friends so they may join our grassroots opposition to food tyranny by calling our U.S. Senators today, before 5PM Eastern time.

The U.S. Capitol switchboard phone number is 202-224-3121. Call that number and ask for the office of each of your Senators. Then voice your opinion to your Senators to oppose S.510.

Every call counts! Senators know that each call represents about 50,000 people. So call them now right now and join our grassroots opposition to this food tyranny bill that would put the FDA in charge of our farms!

(P.S. To all those NaturalNews readers outside the USA, thanks for putting up with all this domestic nonsense here in the USA. We will return to more traditional news coverage as soon as this S 510 saga is concluded...)

November 26, 2010

Everything You Need to Know about Genetically Modified Foods

Hope you all enjoyed your Thanksgiving. Take a rest today and recuperate! I learned one thing yesterday about myself ....either I cook or I clean.... both is just too much! I saw a post from someone that said go out to eat to save yourself the cooking/ entertaining/cleaning for Thanksgiving...good advice (but eat healthy)...also don't go CRAZY cleaning and cooking massive amounts of fancy's just not necessary or and friends are the most important thing on the holidays. I toned it down the last 2 years and cooked only a basic turkey dinners with a tiny amount of trimmings and 1-2  desserts...that's all...we were just as happy and had less stress and more time to enjoy the day!
Enjoy this video and stay away from GMO's!

Everything You HAVE TO KNOW about Dangerous Genetically Modified Foods from Jeffrey Smith on Vimeo.

November 24, 2010

Senate Bill S510 Outlaws Saving Seeds, Growing your own Backyard Garden?

I tried to find this bill to read myself on the internet and couldn't find it...please contact your local senator and tell them to vote NO to this bill. Read the following for more info...people say that Monsanto is trying to take over the world's seed supply and push their own GMO seeds, which terminate themselves after the growing season and then farmer's would need to buy new seeds each year...this is NOT the world God created....he gave us plants that seed and we can save the seeds and regrow them for years to come....just say NO!

The BEST GFCF Egg Free Pie Crust!

Because I got this from a book and it's hard to change the ingredients and there are so few...

I don't think it would be right to post the recipe...but I found this book at the for free...

The BEST pie crusts without eggs that I have tried are in "Flying Apron's Gluten Free and Vegan Cookbook" by  Jennifer Katzinger.

I know it's late but if you need to make pies for Thanksgiving, go get it from the library (or the book store)!

Remember that if you ask your local librarian, they can search the county and interloan a book if your local library doesn't have can also go to the library's webpage and go on to the library's book reservation system yourself and request books from other libraries in your county from the comfort of your home..then they get the books for you and all you need to do is pick it up when they call or email to tell you the book is ready for you. Talk about EASY!

November 23, 2010

Electrical Grounding can Help Lupus?

1) Click Here

2) Go to the Day 9 November 22, 2010 Earthing Program (Electrical Grounding of the Body)

3) Clint Ober and Stephen Sinatra interview - replay available for short time only!

    Lupus and MS are mentioned as well as many other diseases and health issues. They have a WARNING if you are on blood thinners, work with your doctor at establishing proper medication dosage levels because grounding thins the blood as well.

 Questions on this? Click here

Dr. Stephen Sinatra- Holistic Cardiologist

A Prayer For You

My aunt sent me this...I hate those chain letter things...but at least it wasn't anything that said you will have bad luck if you don't pass it on...those really make me ANGRY! I just don't play into that...but this prayer was what I needed to hear today and with love I pass it on to you if you need to hear it too...

Saint Theresa's Prayer

May today there be peace within.

May you trust God that you are exactly where you are meant to be.

May you not forget the infinite possibilities that are born of faith.

May you use those gifts that you have received, and pass on the love that has been given to you.

May you be confident knowing you are a child of God.

Let this presence settle into your bones, and allow your soul the freedom to sing, dance, praise and love.

It is there for each and every one of us.

November 22, 2010

A Raw Happy Thanksgiving Instead?

I haven't tried a raw Thanksgiving yet..but try your favorite raw recipes all together at Thanksgiving.

I would definitely do a raw pate, Alissa Cohen has recipes for raw meatloaf and gravy in her book "Living on Live Foods" Definitely raw cranberry lots of veggies,  fancy salad dishes like Bryan Au's Pad Thai? in his book "Raw in Ten Minutes", and a big mixed salad . I LOVE Michael Kenney books for the wow raw food factor. He has great photos to show you what the food will look like. Cafe Gratitude books are great too,  see the link to my favorite raw foods below.

You can take out books for free from your local library!

Frozen Pumpkin Pie (like pumpkin ice cream pie) from "Everyday Raw" by Matthew Kenney book

Raw Apple Pie -A great recipe can be found in "The Lupus Recovery Diet" by Jill Harrington

Guacamole, nuts, veggie, raw cheese dips veggie or flax chips

Raw Cheese Dip Video

Forgive the lisp on this one...bad camera sound on my daughter's camera..
tip.. put the red pepper in first!

Fruit/figs/ stuffed figs
 Saw a great recipe recently that can be made with fresh or dried figs...

         Stuffed Figs (Lidia's Italy) as I went...Fill fresh or dried figs with chopped nuts, raw honey, cocoa powder, cinnamon (can leave chunky or probably would be great as a puree into a paste in a food processor too!)

Carrot cake

A link to more recipes for Thanksgiving

A link to some of my favorite raw food books

November 21, 2010

Energy Efficient Light Bulbs... Problems?

Mercury inside...UV Rays (bad for causing lesions on photosensitive Lupus).... high EMFs (Electro Magnetic Field) the list goes on, I will investigate LED lightbulbs, are these better?

Kevin Gianni's link for LED comparison to CFL's

November 19, 2010

Tips For A Happy Gluten Free, Dairy Free, Egg Free Thanksgiving

I thought it is time to help out people who are looking for GFCF (Gluten Free and Casein /Dairy Free )
and egg free recipes and swap outs for Thanksgiving.

My first GFCF egg-free Thanksgiving was challenging, (hard to believe that it was 3 years ago!) but it went off without a hitch ...except that I had to cook  EVERYTHING (that was before I did raw foods) and I was TIRED! Well my husband helped too....

Here are some ideas for a cooked Thanksgiving...

These are swap out ingredients to use in your favorite recipes..don't have favorite recipes? Check  great for beginner cooking "lessons" roast turkey 101, stuffing 101, gravy 101 , making mashed potatoes, etc. Some people love Martha some hate her...don't like her look for your favorite chef's/cooks recipes on Food Network they have written recipes and videos/shows too!
Check my cooking/raw food blogs too

Stuffing- use your favorite recipe with your favorite GFCF egg free bread. Or use toasted cubes of GF vegan corn bread  see my GF Vegan corn bread recipe at
My GFCF Egg Free stuffing recipe

Turkey- if you want to have a turkey make sure it is GF (some additives/glazes include gluten) and make sure it was raised properly and organic and free range.

If not having turkey and you want to have a vegan Thanksgiving try a walnut/mushroom pate instead of turkey.

Gravy- Use arrowroot, potato starch or rice flour to thicken your gravy and use olive oil, not butter if needed, use stock or nondairy milk of your choice to thin gravy

Pasta- Italian Thanksgiving? Use GF pasta and your favorite dairy free, egg free sauce or just have with garlic and olive oil, or make a garlic cream sauce with a roux see below...

GF Vegan Pie Crust- Look in Flying Apron's Gluten Free and Vegan Baking Book by Jennifer Katzinger

For milk in recipes - use nondairy milk, coconut, nut, soy, rice
For bread- use GFCF egg free breads, rolls, corn bread
For butter- use coconut oil, olive oil, Earth Balance margarine (they have soy free too, if avoiding soy)
For flour- use GF flours, bean flours, rice flours, nut flours, seed flours, GF baking mixes (make sure no powdered eggs or milk in them)
For cream- use coconut milk , or thicker nut milks (just make nut milks with less water)
For whipped cream- refrigerate canned coconut milk overnight and drain off the liquid and keep the solid cream. Put in a cold bowl and with cold beaters, beat and add a TBSP of sugar or maple syrup if desired and a 1/2 to1 tsp of vanilla, also you can look for a recipe for raw nut "whipped cream".
For cream cheese /pies- soft or firm tofu or "raw" nut cheeses, my recipe for a great nut "cheese cake"

You can use the cheese cake nut filling in GF canollis, as marscapone in GF tiramisu, etc. It is DELICIOUS you won't believe it.

Garlic and Lemon White Sauce (I hope the quantities are right I just eyeball it)
For 1 lb just cooked pasta

2 garlic cloves, minced

zest of 1 lemon (if desired)

4 tbsp. olive oil or Earth Balance margarine or a combination add

2 rounded TBSPs GF flour to oil and mash together

about 3/4 cup soy milk or rice milk (use to get the sauce to the consistency you like)

1 tsp. salt

1/4 tsp. pepper

1/4 tsp. nutmeg (if desired)

3/4 cup Daiya or Follow Your Heart vegan cheese, grated (if desired)

2 tbsp. lemon juice

In a pan, mash the oil and/or margarine with the GF flour with a fork,  cook for about 3-4 minutes do not let brown add the garlic and lemon zest, cook for about 2 minutes DO NOT let garlic brown!

Add milk, salt, pepper and (nutmeg and cheese ( if using). Cook to heat through.

Taste and add lemon juice after sauce is off the heat (if using)

I usually make this sauce without the lemon...will try it with lemon next time...

November 18, 2010

DVD Raw : The Living Food Diet

Found this DVD /booklet set at my local library by searching "Raw Food" It is from 2005 but still is a nice video. I would get first from the library to see if you want to buy it. It had some great tips though. Making a "chicken salad" out of  marinated chanterelle mushrooms and raw "mayo". I want to try that!

Triumph Dining Gluten Free Blog

Organic Cotton Clothes at Walmart

Think you couldn't afford organic cotton clothes? Think again! Check out Walmart's huge selection! Click on the link below.
Cotton is one of THE MOST heavily pesticide sprayed crop! Buy organic especially for wearing right up against your skin, underwear, thermals, t -shirts pajamas and the like.

Green Smoothie Girl's Free Recipe from Her New Book

Green Smoothie Girl shared this link and free recipe video. If you haven't seen her work she usually is making raw food recipes.  The recipe is healthier than most cookies, but still has a lot of sweetener and more cooked foods than usual. You probably could tone it down a little...sign up for her newsletter/blog if you'd like.

I would probably say go for plain brown rice cereal in the recipe rather than fruit sweetened. Just my opinion to make it a little less sugary. But being the holidays and if you are making this and only having a few, and sharing the rest, go for it!

Click on the link below for the recipe video and info on her new book.

November 17, 2010

Functional Medicine Video

There are doctors called functional medicine doctors. These doctors are holistic and look to get to the root cause of your disease.  They don't want to give you drugs to cover up the symptoms of your disease. They solve the root cause and reverse the disease. Watch this video with Mark Hyman MD for a great overview.

Raw Food and Me and Winter

Just a note to say that I realized I haven't been talking about  fancy raw food recipes lately...that's not to say I haven't been eating raw foods...I have just simplified them.

Instead of making fancy raw food recipes, I just make a large salad or some guacamole or have a carrot or apple or pear or a lemon, or a handful of nuts. Also it is getting colder here in NY and I prefer warmer foods in the winter. Also my husband is happy with raw or cooked foods but my children will eat some raw foods but prefer cooked foods. I know from studying macrobiotics as well as raw foods that BOTH raw foods and cooked foods are healthy for you and YOU should decide what percentage of each make you feel your best.

One of the craziest things I have heard in the past is that cooked food is addictive...would you eat tons of cooked veggies and say I can't stop myself? Would you eat a pile of plain cooked beans and not be able to stop yourself...not is more the salty, fatty, sugary and "comfort foods"  mashed potatoes, meat, mac and cheese, breads, cake cookies, ice cream, chips etc. that "get" us.

Yes, you can have warm raw foods if you choose to by:

1) heating soups or smoothies/hot "cocoas" by the friction of the soup setting on the Blendtec blender (or Vitamix) the heat is less than 115 degrees to keep the food raw, but a little more than body temperature so it feels nice and warm.

2) using the dehydrator to warm foods like enchiladas, raw pizza, fruits or cookies or chips

3) Using spices like cinnamon and ginger and hot peppers/flakes, etc

If you live in a cold climate, be sure to wear appropriate clothing to keep yourself warm, wear thermal underwear and hats and especially gloves to protect you if you have Raynaud's Syndrome.

November 16, 2010

Raw for 30 Half Off Deals

To celebrate World Diabetes Day the folks at Raw for 30 have some awesome deals on their videos and their friends/associates with programs/DVD's/books are all on "special" also. If you want to buy them, now is the time, while they're on sale!

As always if you can't afford it...much of the information/dvd's/books are available at the library for free! Just get the information either way and learn...because knowledge is POWER!

November 15, 2010

Simplify Your Life

I need a little simplifying in my life about you? Sometimes all the cooking, supplements, trying to get exercise and taking care of myself plus everyday life added on can be overwhelming...then it's best to step back and re-prioritze!

An Inspiring Monday Morning Interview with Susan Smith Jones

You can do it! You can change your life! 21 days is all it takes to change a habit. She says some foods to combat pain but also remember that pain may be caused by food allergies/intolerances so check that also and sometimes taking allergen foods OUT helps too....

November 12, 2010

Lupus Hope Healing Plan

Click the link below to see another blog I created for people to be able to see my story at a glance... or just the just a few pages I tell about how I was diagnosed, my Lupus symptoms of the past and which symptoms went away, and what I have done and plan to do in the future to try and reverse my Lupus, and also many books on healing that I have learned much of the information posted on my Lupus Hope blog.

Please grab a cup of tea and read it if you'd like.

Have 2 New Ideas - Everyone Please Comment

1) What would you all like me to cover on my blog/ which do you like to see the best?
   a) raw food recipes
   b) general healthy recipes, raw ,cooked, macrobiotic etc
   c) All disease reversal information diabetes, cancer etc.
   d) Only Lupus reversal information
   e) General health information detoxifying your house, car, nutrition, exercise etc.
   f) Books on health
   g) Holiday recipes
   h) Step by step actions to be healthier, day by day
   i) Anything else you would like to see/ topics you would like me to cover???

2) If I create a place on my blog for testimonies/stories, would you put up a quick testimony if you believe that diet or some other intervention helped lessen your Lupus symptoms,...or if you healed your Lupus and do not have it anymore....

I will try to put this up as a poll for this topic next , but please try to comment now if you can....Thanks!

Mark Hyman MD New Enhanced Web Site

Mark Hyman MD is a functional medicine doctor that believes many of the diseases that conventional medicine say there is no cure for,  are definitely reversible! Along the same lines as Sherry Rogers MD.
Please give his new website/his books/his blogs a look, you will learn a great deal on how to help yourself heal!

November 11, 2010

Sherry Rogers MD Newsletter

I highly recommend spending the 54.00/year for this newsletter. It is holistic and nutrition based. The newsletter is easy to read and gives timely information with medical referenced studies and many easy remedies/protocols for common diseases and ailments.

This doctor also believes that many of the diseases that conventional medicine says there is no cure for, are absolutely reversible! Including cancer, lupus and other autoimmune diseases, macular degeneration, heart disease, diabetes, chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, multiple sclerosis and lots more!

If you can't afford it, get my all time favorite book  Pain Free in 6 Weeks by Sherry Rogers MD!

Newletter (New Issues)

All her books/newsletter too (New Issues and Back Issues too)

November 10, 2010

2 More Great Books

As always try your local's free and you can read the book to see if you want to buy it!

Celiac Disease for Dummies (references the Lupus and Celiac Disease connection)

Gut and Psychology Syndrome (a must read for brain fog/autism/mood disorders, depression and more! )

Simply Raw: Reversing Diabetes in 30 Days

Raw For 30 Videos Leading up to World Diabetes Day

Please watch these videos, when you go to the link it will ask you for your email address, it is only to send you more information and videos.....there is education to be had for free! Yes you can Reverse Diabetes with diet and a little exercise.

Please watch this video and the folks at Raw For 30 will send you more links to videos to come and you can see the few past videos of this series too. Interviews featuring David Wolfe, Joel Fuhrman MD, Mike Adams, etc. Watch them, learn the information, try it, be empowered. You CAN change your life and your health for the better!

November 9, 2010

Please Visit my Recipe Blogs

The links to these blogs are also on the left scroll bar on my blog... a little ways down.

For SUPER healthy and healing recipes... more to come!

For better and healthier gluten free, dairy free and mostly egg free choices (than processed store bought foods) to satisfy a craving (these choices are to be eaten sparingly if you have Lupus or any other disease)...For special occasions only...many more recipes coming soon!

November 5, 2010

A- Fib (Atrial Fibrillation) Information

My mom in law has issues with this and I always wondered if it could be food allergy related, these articles say you can have food "triggers" /allergies and to avoid them, also heavy metal toxicitycan be an issue and on if you or any of your loved ones have this issue. Check out the articles below

GFCF Vegan Foccaccia

An occasional treat, don't eat much baked foods if you have Lupus...,

A GFCF Vegan Pizza Crust recipe
Smothered in caramelized onions, garlic, extra virgin olive oil, red pepper flakes, Italian seasoning, sea salt

November 3, 2010

Mercola -How to Get a Good Night's Sleep

I sometimes fall asleep too early 8:00 or 9:00pm(from fatigue)...then wake at 2:00-3:00am..usually go back to sleep but many times have some difficulty...then wake at 5:30am to make sure my kids get off to school. I am going to ask my doctor to test my neurotransmitters next time I visit.... your neurotransmitters in the brain being "off" can cause awakening in the middle of the night...I keep having an issue with this one and think I will try Dr. Mercola's regimen for the time being.... neurotransmitter info secrets to a good night's sleep

Intestinal Medical Research

A woman that I met on line with Lupus had said she wasw happy with the testing and a visit that she had with Dr. Fine. When I looked at their site they seem to be doing great works and research. Click on the link below for the medical research page.

Martin Spurlock of "Super Size Me" New Interview

The first video in a series from the folks at Raw in this one then get on the email list by submitting your email address and watch each video as it comes always... great info!

David Wolfe great info

When you click on the link below and get the page up. Go to the sign and put your email in for future great audio information from the experts! I loved the first audio David Wolfe is saying so much of what I believe to be true also! See it's not only me that believes the way I do! This stuff really works!

Raw Food and Diabetes Reversals

I am reposting this for the dental tech that helped with my tooth extraction....for any other info you want to look up on my blog, just go to the search bar at the top. Also don't hesitate to email me with any questions and double check my research on the internet, or also read the books on healing post and read the books I got my information out of at the link is below-- almost all are available through the Suffolk County Library System for free

Simply Raw : Reversing Diabetes in 30 Days (link below you can get it through the Suffolk County Library System check on line or ask your local librarian- it's free info)

November 2, 2010

Orthorexia- an eating disorder, the fear of eating unhealthy foods

A friend once joked with me that some people might say we were orthorexics. But after the talk of the unhealthy foods I still eat at times (my Halloween post) and my very healthy I'm definitely not overboard with eating healthy....but I do care very much about what goes into my body and do feel that it helps me keep my Lupus symptoms under control.

 Just letting you all know that such a problem exists and that although many people could be very healthy being vegetarian, vegan or raw foodists and maintain a healthy weight... this was not the case with this woman....

Click to read the story and see the video below...