December 14, 2010

My Husband's Allergy Test vs. Mine

These are NOT our actual IgG tests.... just an example to see what an unhealthy person (top- lots of strong reactions to foods)with symptoms of disease looks like compared to a healthy person's (2nd test- low to almost no reaction to foods) IgG test.

My naturopathic doctor, Dr. Steve, says in his practice generally patients with chronic disease, diabetes, cancer, lupus, multiple sclerosis,etc. who take a IgG allergy/food sensitivities/intolerances test, generally have many more allergies/sensitivities/intolerances than healthy people with no symptoms/diagnosis of disease. Many other doctors believe this also.

In comparing my IgG to my husband's (or my daughter's to my son's), the girls in the family have MANY more food sensitivities/intolerances and also higher scores on those sensitivities. Is it our genes? Are we true Celiacs and the boys are not?

So if you have any chronic health issue it is worth getting an IgG test. At the very least, you can avoid the foods you are intolerant to for a time and lessen any symptoms you may have,(headaches/sinus pain/joint pains/stomach pains etc.), but also you will know you have digestive issues that need to be examined for the root cause... and then those issues can be taken care of to bring your body back to health.

What comes first, the food sensitivity or the leaky gut/digestive problems /toxins/heavy metals/candida(yeast) / nutritional deficiencies problem?  I don't know, but in unhealthy people they all seem to appear together...

Something causes the food allergies and food allergies, many times, can be cured... they are not always for life. There may be instances where you are lactose intolerant and do well to stay away from dairy for life...or if you are a Celiac you may need to stay away from gluten for life.

Something that is always in the back of my mind Celiac Disease cureable? Don't jump on me here for voicing my opinion...Some doctors believe it can be cured. I don't know what to believe at this point on there being a cure for Celiac Disease....but I think God created our bodies with the ability to cure anything given the means (eliminating toxins, proper nutrition, correcting digestion, getting rid of parasites, infections etc)
Or maybe humans just weren't meant to eat wheat??? It doesn't seem to be easily digestible for anyone...
Well I'll keep reading and researching...Have a great day!

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