March 24, 2009

Keeping a happy attitude...doctors, nutrition, more research

I read a funny line in a Raw Food book from the library. It said something like "I realized that every time I went to see the doctor he would tell me what to do, it would stress me out and I would do the opposite of what the doctor said to do and feel better". So I said what do I need the doctor for? ,and I need less stress ... so I "fired" him. And I felt better ever since!

I love that line because going to the doctor is my most stressful part of being sick. I am hoping to one day soon find a great doctor that I can talk to about all my research and they will listen, or maybe they will have done all the research too. I found the name Edgar Cayce while searching around the internet yesterday, he has a very healing diet. The diet looks like it's on the right track.

I am going to a new doctor in June that is an MD and holistic too. I can't wait for the appointment in June! I have found that it is very important to ask questions and research as much as you can about your disease. You need to stand up to the doctor and ask "What do you know about this disease?" What would you do if you had this disease?" They really don't have a stake in healing you. It is even better if they have had some experience with your disease either by having it themselves or having a family member that had it. When you think about it , it probably is better if you stay sick and visit them often so they can make more money!

The more I learn about disease the more it seems as if many of the diseases are a result of the body being too toxic and very deficient in nutrients. This happens in the body in many ways, and you should always remember that 80% of the immune system is in the digestive tract, so you want to make sure that is functioning properly.

When I go to the grocery store these days and I see what people put in there carts it really saddens me. I start to wonder now, when I see a person in a motorized cart that is buying 2 cases of soda and chips and cake, would that person be able to walk if they ate healthy foods? I believe they would!

Someday I hope to give a class based on nutrition that will be really fun, enlightening, healthy and delicious. I know how to make lots of gluten-free goodies now but I think that those foods should be eaten sparingly, what you really need is lots of veggies, fruits and a little fish and lean meats, beans (if tolerated)nuts and seeds. The gluten free goodies/breads/cakes/cookies/desserts should be occasional treats, so you don't get frustrated and blow your diet altogether.

I will be giving 2 gluten free cooking classes in addition to my regular dog training class if all the classes fill up. I hope to teach as much about nutrition in these classes too.

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