March 19, 2009

A Lupus Healing website, Check it out!

I found a great website on healing Lupus:

It has great tips and hints on how to get well.

I truly believe that everyone's body has the abilty to heal naturally, you just need to take away the body's "toxic load" . Read any of Sherry Rogers MD's books, of course the one that is geared most toward Lupus is "Pain Free in 6 Weeks...".

I sent away to a far off library for a few of her older books, they are great too. One I am presently reading is called "The Cure is in the Kitchen"(macrobiotic diet) and I also received "You are What you Ate"(about the body's toxic load and how to eat/live to restore health). I am seriouly considering talking to this doctor(she is about 8-10hours away from me) I think she truly gets healing and how to do it naturally. I wish I could find someone closer but I think she's the best!

One of my downfalls lately is the lack of money to be able to see any doctor or use any method of healing I would choose. I usually don't care about money, but this is one time in my life that I wish I was loaded. I wish I could go for massages, therapy, chiropractic more often, acupuncture, buy a far infrared sauna, fly anytime I needed to to see Sherry Rogers, and to pay for Dr. Oz, Dr. Weil, to see me with a team of specialists. Oh boy am I dreaming now!!!! Wish me luck!

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