May 30, 2011

I Need Your Help! Please get in touch with me!

Hi Everyone! Happy Memorial Day ! Hope you all enjoy your weekend. Remember to thank and remember those who fought for our country. Fly your flags today. Visit graves. Attend parades and stand, remove hats and clap for our soldiers and military as well as other service personel, police, emergency medical, etc.

Not exactly Lupus related and I am not advocating eating candy to help your Lupus symptoms....but....

Now on to what I need help for...As you  know if you read this blog I love to cook and come up with tasty GF vegan recipes.....I am very curious about old fashioned recipes/packaging/ingredients for old-fashioned candies.

What I mean is if you have or can find an old package for tootsie rolls or Reese's peanut butter cups or Mary Janes or any other old- fashioned candy....what were the ORIGINAL ingredients from the original candy makers? Was corn syrup available or did they use sugar syrup? honey? maple syrup? There definitely was no High Fructose Corn Syrup what did they use BEFORE that was invented? There weren't preservatives or artificial sweeteners...

I found this blog with old fashioned ads for Tootsie Rolls     

Here are some more candy ideas...if you can find the old recipes/ingredients from the old packaging or any where else PLEASE let me know! THANK YOU!

Here is a candy time line as to when these candies were first created.

The reason I am doing this is that if I can create slightly healthier recipes for candies we can all have a piece ocasionally and avoid the crud the manufacturers now add to present day candies.
I'm sure real ingredients and much smaller portions...and eating candy MUCH LESS frequently , like in the old days would be OK....

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