June 21, 2012

After testing what next.....

Wheat Grass...Very good for some, but I am allergic to it...

After you are tested for Celiac Disease and it comes back negative (make sure it was from a highly skilled celiac disease diagnostician) what can you try next? If you can't afford a food allergy test,
an elimination diet is a great to determine what foods may be bothering you....though there are many common culprits. Among them are wheat, barly,rye,oats/gluten, dairy, beef,  eggs, bananas, also foods in the  nightshade family...tomatoes, bell peppers, potatoes,eggplant etc., and sometimes beans and legumes.

Please read the books in my post "Books to Read on Healing".Here are some of the titles you can start with "Pain Free in 6 Weeks", "Gluten Toxicity", "The Lupus Recovery Diet", and "The MS Recovery Diet" should give you all the information you need to know the above foods are issues for many people. Many other books can be read on the list as well....

Mark Hyman MD has a few great books on the subject of elimination diets. The Ultrawellness Diet the Ultra Simple Diet and possibly some of his other books describe in detail how to execute an elimination diet. There are also many on the internet. Some books, sites, also call these diets the caveman diet or the rare foods diet. The basic idea behind these diets is to take the foods most people have issues with for a period of time and then replace them one by one to see if there is a reaction, best to keep a journal while doing this to note if you feel good /bad and symptoms you may have.

I firmly believe that the reason most people feel better on a raw food diet (it is a total elimination diet and if you stay on this diet, foods are never added back--no gluten, eggs, dairy, no meat as well) or a macrobiotic diet (not usually totally gluten free, but dairy free and sometimes egg free) is because these are by their design a form of elimination diet...

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