February 15, 2010

IgE vs. IgG Food Allergies and Pain Relief

IgE allergy reactions occur in the first minutes to hours of ingestion  to food. This can be hives, trouble swallowing and even anaphylactic shock/death, as in a peanut allergy.

IgG allergy reactions occur 1-4 days later, with pain in joints, migraines, so if you are allergic/intolerant to gluten and you have a piece of bread one day and 4 days later you have pizza, and 4 days later you have Wheaties you may have a generally painful joints, when you go on an elimination diet and take this food out you will notice less pain in your joints....you may never be able to know that a food/which food/s are causing you pain...

This link provides information on IgE and IgG allergies

It does work that easily, however,  people with Lupus and other autoimmune issues have MANY food allergies/intolerances.

Jill Harrington, the woman that wrote "The Lupus Recovery Diet" realized this in an odd way. She went on a water fast (I don't recommend this approach) . She realized that  on the water fast her Lupus symptoms vanished.  She  then realized it was what she was eating that was causing her pain and she went about finding out what she could include in her diet to stay pain free. She wrote her book to help others figure this out too.

The first thing that I would tell people to do that have Lupus or any other autoimmune disease is to get IgG tested or go on an elimination diet. My favorite is Dr.Cranton's http://www.drcranton.com/elimination_diet.htm

This diet really takes out all possible offenders. Then  you can add things in one by one to see if anything gives you pain/symptoms.

If you need help with IgG allergies see a holistic doctor, a functional medicine doctor, a tradtional chinese medicine doctor or a naturopath. Most of these doctors will believe that nutrition plays a GREAT part in your health, but if you are not sure if the doctor you choose believes this, just ask them...


  1. Thanks for this post. I'm getting allergy tested both by my naturopath and by an allergy specialist (MD)in the coming weeks. I definately think food causes my lupus symptoms. I always seem to get them about 2-3hrs after eating though so I don't know exactly whats happening with me. I'm pretty much scared to eat anything but being on the steroids I'm starving all the time. Any tips for someone in this process would be great!

  2. Great that you are using your knowledge to help others solve their health problems! I am curing myself of type 2 diabetes thru eating mostly raw and vegan and exercising every day.

    James Reno

  3. Lila,

    2-3 hours later are you having joint pains? headaches? What are your symptoms?

  4. Jim,

    You'll get there! Type 2 diabetes seems to be very much helped or obliterated on a raw food diet. There are so many great websites! Search "healing diabetes with raw food"...you'll find sooo much great information! And thanks for the compliment!

  5. I'm getting swollen and painful joints (hands, feet, knees). Sometimes extreme pain like they are going to burst (that's when I go to hospital...). No headaches but I do get blood blisters on my fingers and elbows. Lasts for 2-3 days and I'll just be really tired as it calms down. email me at lupusandlemoncakes@gmail.com if you like:)

  6. It is very difficult to detect allergies to gluten or peanuts?

  7. Take an IgG blood test from a holistic doctor or naturopath.
