November 18, 2009

100% Raw Food?

My take on "you must eat 100% raw food or healing and great health won't happen" is that it can't be true.
If you want to know where I'm coming from with this idea....I have researched that both raw food diets can be healing as well as macrobiotic(cooked and raw foods). For my health I find mostly raw with some cooked foods works the best to make me feel at my optimum.

I watched Kevin Gianni interview George Malkmus of "Hallelujah Acres"...let me first say I am a big fan of both the men for their unending teachings about health and great nutrition!
Second I want to say that each person is different and you must choose what makes you feel great...oh and also don't forget to do a blood test now and then with your doctor to make sure you're getting all your nutrients!
Watch the interview here

When I first decided to learn about feeding my dog's a homemade raw diet (the dogs get raw meat and supplements and a little grains and fruits and veggies) Wendy Volhard, said while doing her seminar and she also says in her book to get a baseline blood test and then test every 6 months- to every year to make sure the dog is doing well and to adjust the diet as needed.

Why should we as people be any different...I just heard about a 100% raw foodie getting cancer and another
in a terrible fight with lyme disease! I'm sure there are many other stories that are testimonies of health!

My message here is this... don't feel that if you are not eating 100% raw food you are "cheating" or that you'll never be healthy if you are eating cooked the cooked foods you do eat want to eat healthy foods like grains and beans and soups(not junk foods) and also do get food allergy tested because as they say "one man's artichoke is another man's poisin"

I am allergic/intolerant to many foods    beef,shellfish,dairy,eggs,peppers,tomatoes,cranberries,bananas,corn,onions,garlic, wheat, gluten,oats,barley,rye,asparagus.... and probably some others I've missed...if I would continue to eat those I would keep my inflammation levels up. Now that I've taken those foods out of my diet my inflammation levels are all very low on my blood tests. Now I am working on correcting the reasons I have the allergies, from my research you can repair your body to eliminate many of your food allergies.

1 comment:

  1. Its all about getting rid of processed foods and sugars....thats what all the best diets/cures have in common you just have to pick one you resonate with and go for it! ;0))
