August 25, 2010

Vegan Bodybuilding

If you know me , by my posts or in KNOW I have a tough time with exercise...
As well as I eat and work hard to cook and prepare and put into my body the healthiest foods possible...I have such a tough time getting motivated to exercise :(

I know it is good for me, I know it loosens my joints even more, I know I feel great after I do it...but somehow I just always put it off. Or I'd rather blog or play my guitar or play piano or study nutrition or research health at the library, or read, or cook. It seems all the things I love to do require being stationary.

I finally decided to get my rear in gear and try a personal is I have checked with a few trainers at this point.

One thing I was unhappy about is the trainers I contacted all said I need to increase my protein and eat fish or meat. I do eat fish occasionally but I get most of my protein vegan like...beans, nuts, seeds, grains, veggies, fruits. I have decided I need to find a vegan personal trainer or at least one that believes you don't need tons of meat and fish protein to look good and get some muscle added. I don't want mega muscles or anything!

Have you ever seen Alissa Cohen? She eats all raw vegan! See the above picture...

I am posting a website that I found below. Yes Virginia, you can be a vegan, eat no meat or fish or eggs or milk, and be healthy and strong! Everything I have researched up until now has said if anything Lupus patients need to eat less protein, but please do your own research and find your own balance. And also decide for yourself if being vegan is right for you.
See this article for Lupus recommendatons from Dr. Andrew Weil click below

For Vegan Bodybuilding click below

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