September 24, 2010

Asthma and COPD

Anyone here have issues or know anyone with issues with COPD or Asthma? I keep seeing a commercial on TV for a drug for COPD and at the end the person is eating an ice cream cone...this makes me laugh each time because everything I've heard about lung/ breathing issues points to avoiding dairy for better breathing and less mucus issues.

If you know anyone with asthma or if you have it has your doctor told you to avoid dairy or tested for other food allergies? Do you avoid dairy? By the doctors advice or from your own doing? I want to put a poll up on this look for one soon! I wonder about pleurisy (inflammation of the lung lining) and Lupus and if this could be  food allergy, or environmental allergy related and also be causing pleurisy. I don't think it's a far cry...


  1. My mom, brother, maternal grandfather, and I all are prone to asthma and we stopped eating dairy because we noticed that it makes us worse (and we all tested allergic). My nephew is 18 months old and does not have asthma, but develops eczema from dairy, and we're told that eczema is like external asthma and may switch to asthma down the road...I need to research that.

  2. Hi Cami,

    From everything I've heard you are right about eczema and dairy. If a child has eczema they should be tested for food allergies ASAP.(IgE as well as IgG) For parents of children with eczema the type of doctor to see is a Naturopath, Holistic MD, Functional medicine doctor, or Integrative doctor. These doctors believe that finding out a patient has food allergies is an integral start to helping the patient heal. All of these doctors would believe in healing with nutrition also! I LOVE your saying that eczema is like external(or inside out) asthma! I truly believe that.

  3. Cami,
    Found this check it out said 80% of children with eczema get asthma later in life!
