September 19, 2010

Truth Calkins and David Wolfe talk about Celiac Disease

Great information.... a must listen! I need to research healing a leaky gut for myself...I STILL need help with that!

From David Wolfe's Longevity Newsletter....

Secret to Healthy Digestion

An Exclusive Interview with Truth Calkins

Do you or someone you know suffer from the autoimmune disorder, celiac disease?

Here are some startling statistics about this disorder:

•1 out of every 133 Americans (about 3 million people) has

celiac disease.
•97% of Americans estimated to have CD are not diagnosed.
•30% of the US population is estimated to have the genes

necessary for Celiac disease.

•2.5 babies are born every minute in the USA with the

genetic makeup to have Celiac disease.

•Celiac disease affects more people in the US than Crohn’s

Disease, Cystic Fibrosis, Multiple Sclerosis and Parkinson’s

disease combined.

•It takes an average of 11 years for patients to be properly

diagnosed with Celiac disease even though a simple blood

test exists.
•12% of people in the US who have Down Syndrome also

have Celiac disease.

•6% of people in the US who have Type 1 Diabetes also

have Celiac disease.

In this interview with Master Herbalist and health advocate Truth Calkins, you will learn the following:

•Discover how a healthy gut will actually make food for

you, especially those essential B-Vitamins!

•Learn about the 'second' brain that controls your body's

ability to absorb nutrients.

•Find out what warning signals your body sends you that

its digestive health is in peril.

•Discover how to reverse hunger, overeating, and fatigue by

making a few simple changes in your diet.

•Hear the Truth about the role genes play in celiac disease

(I guarantee you do not know this!)

•Reduce the symptoms of celiac disease and restore your

digestive health!

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