April 20, 2010

Miso Soup Recipe

Also look for this recipe and many other healthy recipes  at  http://www.lupushopecookbook.blogspot.com/

Ingredients (you can find these ingredients at your local health food store or Asian market)
2 cups water
2-3 Shiitake mushrooms (dried) soaked+ soaking liquid
2 tsp flakes  or 1 in pc soaked Wakame seaweed
1/2- 3/4 cup Root veggies (carrots, daikon radish)
1 small shallots or 1/4 cup of green onions
1-2 tsp Miso (I use Gluten Free Brown Rice Miso- South River Brand) (use less if cutting down on salt)
1 cup (packed) Dark leafy greens of your choice (Kale, collards, etc)

1) Soak dried shiitake mushrooms in 1/2 cup lukewarm water for 1/2 hour to 1 hour
2) Pour 2 cups cold water into soup pot, add 2 tsp wakame flakes or a (1 inch piece of wakame (soaked til soft))
3) Add long cooking veggies, carrots daikon (shallots if using)
4) Boil Wakame and veggies for 10 minutes
5) Slice soaked shiitakes mushrooms and disgard the stems add to the soup (also add shiitake soaking liquid)
6) If not using shallots add scallions
7) Add dark leafy greens
8)Take a ladle of  hot soup stock in a separate bowl, add 1-2 tsp miso stir til disolved and add back to soup
9) Simmer on low for 3-5 minutes and enjoy soup

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