September 2, 2009

Lupus...A Gift????

I have heard many people say that their illness is a gift. You know, you'll be watching Oprah, or Dr. Phil or whatever and you'll hear people say "this cancer/other illness was a gift!" I always thought this was an odd way of looking at illness...

Well for the first time the other day I really thought of my Lupus as a gift! If I didn't have Lupus I would have never done all the research that I have done and studied how allergies and diet and and toxins all play into whether you are healthy or not. I would have never found out there are other people out there like me...never found out about autism and met the moms on GFCFKids...

With the knowledge I have now, I know I can help people, and that I am helping people...whether it's you I've helped reading this list or my children or my husband or my relatives or the students in my classes in the fall.

If people will listen and try to change their ways I can help them!

Thank you God for the knowledge You've given me and please share this knowledge through me with anyone who needs help with their health!

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