March 15, 2010

The Library!

I don't know how many of you share my love of the library. If you haven't been to your library lately GO! Have fun! Learn!

My mom started my love affair with the library when I was little and it has just grown and grown.

First new find at the library "The Hippocrates Diet and Health Program" by Ann Wigmore.
I looked this book up because a friend of mine told me that her daughter (22 years old) went to stay at The Hippocrates Health Institute for their 3 week program. When she had completed her stay,  her Crohn's Disease was healed! And she is in the best shape she has ever been in! She must still adhere to the diet (she gets a little wiggle room) I think it was 90 % diet and 10% GF food extras (no junk food allowed).
Basically the book follows a vegan raw food diet. There are chapters about enzymes, cleansing organs, juicing (especially wheat grass- if you are a celiac or have an allergy to wheat check with your doctor or health care practitioner- many people that are gluten intolerant can tolerate wheat grass juice) . Indoor gardening and recipes and much more! I highly recommend this book.

Another 2 books that I found are "Sweet Gratitude"  by Matthew Rogers and Tiziana Alipo Taborra and "I am Grateful" by Terces Engelhart and Orchid from Cafe Gratitude, a raw food restaurant.
Both books are great but "Sweet Gratitude" with the desserts and the photos, it blew me away. I made the Lemon Cheesecake from the book. It was divine!

One thing I did add was 3/4 tsp of finely grated lemon zest, and I left out the lecithin...but it was still fabulous!

One caution about "Sweet Gratitude" is that they use a lot of Irish Moss(carageenan) and  Soy Lecithin in their recipes. In small amounts they are probably fine...but...I choose not to use them unless absolutely necessary....Get the books to look at them from the library then if you would like to add them to your home library go ahead and purchase them! This way you save money!

1 comment:

  1. Just made the Peppermint Cups from "Sweet Gratitude" also. They are delicious too! Been in the mood for a Peppermint Pattie type thing. It cured that craving! Yum!
