August 13, 2009

Found this list of Lupus diet do's and don'ts LOVE IT!

Below are the top 7 lupus diet do's and lupus diet don'ts you need to know to support your healing.

The 7 Top Lupus Diet Don'ts

1. Do not drink alcohol, pop (a.k.a. soda for those in the U.S.!), energy drinks, or other 'acidic' non-healthy drinks, including treated or public drinking water facilities. 2. Do not eat processed foods, or foods with unhealthy preservatives such as MSG (which include most foods in the centre isles of big box food chains). 3. Do not eat red meat. A little fish such as salmon is great, and chicken. For some even these may trigger flares, so be cognisant of how it makes you feel. 4. Avoid fatty foods, (such as mono saturated fats, trans-fats, saturated fats, and some polyunsaturated omega 6 fats) found in commonly baked, fried and junk foods. 5. Avoid the 4 white foods, including salt, sugar, white flour (refined carbohydrates and starches) and dairy. 6. Avoid spicy foods. Spices are known to trigger flares. 7. Avoid artificial sweeteners. These are toxic and by many believe it to even induce disease (I agree). There is no viable reason to use this product and they do not help you lose weight.

The 7 Top Lupus Diet Do's

1. Eat a diet that mostly consists of simple, natural whole foods such as fruits and vegetables in its raw form. 2. Eat easy to digest foods, such as soaked almonds, soups, fruit/veggie smoothies, and salads based on natural, raw ingredients. 3. Be sure to drink at least 8 glasses of water throughout the day. This supports the elimination of toxic build up in the body, and a faulty digestive process common with lupus sufferers. 4. Support your body by supplementing with digestive enzymes and probiotics. Most lupus patients are not absorbing their food and nutrients properly and need extra enzymes to support the healing process. 5. You must consume enough essential fatty acid (EFA's), or supplement with it. This will support you in reducing inflammation and therefore reducing pain and avoiding flares. 6. Avoid foods that cause food sensitivities or allergies. You must be tested for this in order to be sure of your bodies specific needs. Some tests do not indicate food sensitivities (such as to sugar, salt, etc.), so keep a journal of your body's reactions to foods. 7. Eat a varied diet, rich with alkaline, anti-oxidant, anti-inflammatory foods. Always clean your food well, (including organic foods).


  1. What is there to eat? ALL THE FOOD HAS BEEN TAKEN . ANY IDEAS?

  2. I am wondering the same thing. I was diagnosed last July and am on many different medications to help me function. I still have bad days and I had no idea about the food issue. Now what?

  3. I have celiac disease and must avoid all gluten. I also have Lupus and 5 other autoimmune diseases. (You know they run in packs). I am on only on iron, potassium, digestive enzymes, probiotics, colostrum, turemic, Omega 3 and few others.

    For me it is a easy diet. Eat organic, avoid soy, in addition to the above list, and don't eat out of a bag or box. That leaves you so much to choose from: vegetables, seafood, fruit, and other meats.

    Start slow, be intentional, and just do it. Be an open minded skeptic and just keep learning. This is a life long journey, not a quick sprint.

    All disease starts in the gut. Focus on healing your gut, putting good food in and before you know it you will be off of most meds and using food as medicine.

    Also, any allergies you have to dairy, fruit etc. will go away as you heal. If you have not had your vitamin D checked, please do because most of us with autoimmune diseases have that as a deficiency too. Supplementing with a gluten free, soy free Vitamin D3 will do wonders for you.

    Good luck to you both. You can do this. By dropping gluten, soy, processed foods, and going organic and drinking Evamor bottled water I have been able to get off of all of my medications! I can walk, run, drive, and most of all I am pain free.

    1. Anonymous,

      There is plenty other things to eat though the Standard American Diet is includes so many of the things folks need to avoid. I will include links to posts on what I eat to follow.


      If you are on medications NEVER discontinue them without a doctor's help and expertise. A holistic doctor can help you get off of your medications if you are so inclined. If you can find out what you are allergic/intolerant to (from a doctor's food allergy tests or an elimination diet) you will most likely feel noticeable better within a few days/weeks or months. If you are feeling better you will need less is a slow process The MAIN thing is to get a greatholistic doctor that can help you along. Feel free to ask me any other questions!

      Thanks for the great reply, so sorry I have been too busy to respond to my comments section! You sound like you have your health well in hand. I agree with your reply! Keep at it sounds like your doing great keep in touch!

      What I eat.

      How I felt when first found food allergies/intolerances
