August 3, 2009

My daughter created a poll on my blog

My daughter created a poll for me about blood types... take it if you like... sorry she forgot to add AB+,- usually most people aren't this blood type when they have Lupus though and I cannot change it because someone voted already.... Send me a private email or comment if you are AB blood type.

Most people with chronic disease /Lupus are A+, then comes A-, then O.
I had first found this out from my Naturopath and a Lupus poll that I asked for on a Lupus yahoo group . The poll came out that many more people were A bloodtypes. There is a book called "Eat Right for Your Type" by Dr. D'Adamo, that my Naturopath recommended to me.

My Naturopath said that 85% of his patients with chronic disease/Lupus are A blood types, also on the Autism yahoo group that I am on (my children are not autistic but need to follow the same GFCF diet that many autistic children commonly follow) they said that 80-90% of autistic children are A bloodtype also. No one knows why this is(that I am aware of)...but it is VERY curious!!! I am an A+ bloodtype by the way.

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