August 20, 2009

Massage (just DO IT!)

I keep saying I should send my husband to become a masseuse...but seriously....
1)check if your insurance plan covers "medical massage" for Lupus
2) if not... there are instructional videos at the library that your significant other or best friend can try to learn massage techniques for you. Read below for some of the benefits...

The Role Of Therapeutic Massage in Health Maintenance see our massage therapy services

"Touch by itself is a healing art."

Swedish (Relaxation) Massage:

There is no substitute for human touch. For thousands of years some form of massage or laying on of hands has been used to heal and soothe the sick. Research is proving the extra-ordinary effectiveness of touch, the foundation of massage.

Massage Therapy is the only health approach which deals exclusively with muscle tension. The art of relaxation massage is a blending of strokes and techniques that manipulate soft tissue to bring about pain relief, stress reduction, relaxation and a feeling of belonging.
Some people think that massage therapy is only for relaxation, a luxury. That is not entirely true. Massage therapy definitely relaxes you, and, there is so much more. You will be surprised at the variety of other benefits from receiving a massage.
When the body stays in a state of constant stress, eventually the body will break down from being in the “fight or flight” mode. Stress related diseases are common and massage therapy, combined with a good eating plan and exercise program, will definitely decrease the chances of developing a stress related disease.

Some of the important benefits you receive through relaxation massage is the elimination of toxins and relief of chronic pain or muscle tension. This occurs through the increased movement of blood and lymph created by the massage.
The foundational physiological effects of massage to the body are further explained:

Circulatory System

Our muscles have memory. When we experience stress or trauma, our muscles will remember the experience. This can often lead to muscles staying contracted or in spasm in an effort to guard the body against the stress. This stress builds up toxins in your tissues. The strokes of therapeutic massage increase blood circulation, remove toxins and bringing oxygen to the nutrient muscles, relieving chronic pain. Regular therapeutic massage will help re-establish the muscle memory to a more constant, naturally relaxed state.

Lymphatic System

The lymphatic system is our “waste management“. It takes the excess fluids, protein and waste products (toxins) from the tissue spaces and sends them into the circulatory system. This lymph is crucial in maintaining normal tissue drainage. Edema (swelling) is one result of lymphatic malfunction. Massage stimulates and increases lymph flow, reducing swelling and releasing the toxins that keep muscles tight and contracted. More importantly, increasing lymph flow boosts the immune system, giving the body greater ability to fight disease. To learn more, go to Immune Response

Nervous System

The nervous system has two components: the sympathetic (SNS) and the parasympathetic (PNS)
Functions of SNS:
Prepares body for “flight or fight”.
Pumps adrenaline throughout the body.
Helps us during emergency situations.
Functions of the PNS:
Prepares the body for rest and rebalance.
Allows for healing, and optimal organ function.
Brings a feeling of peace.
Massage restores balance to the nervous system, reducing chronic over-stimulation of the SNS and releasing the symptoms of stress related diseases; hypertension, migraine and other headaches, ulcers, hyper/hypoglycemia, colitis, to name only a few
Causes of Muscle Tension
Muscle tension itself is a symptom and can be related to a number of causes; such as a build up of lactic acid and metabolic waste due to overuse, and postural mis-alignment.
An example of lactic acid build-up can be experienced after exercising; the muscles can feel sore and overused. If you are in stress and sit over a computer keyboard with your shoulders rounded forward and your chest caved in, you can easily see how the muscle tissue is affected with overuse. Neck muscles can become over-stretched and chest muscles underused. This soreness can become constant and, eventually, create chronic pain. Muscle pain can also be a symptom of organ dysfunction. How can that be possible? For example, your liver isn’t just floating in your body by itself. It touches and connects with other tissue. In addition to it’s symbiotic relationship with the gall bladder and colon, the liver comes in contact with the nerves, blood vessels and muscles of the ribs and abdomen. When the liver becomes out of balance or toxic it affects more than the digestion. Muscle tenderness can be a symptom. An example of organ dysfunction causing muscle tension is low back pain that can be relieved when a kidney infection is found and treated.
Massage also comes in contact with the energy system known in Oriental Medicine as "Chi". Imbalance in the chi comes from unresolved trauma, including emotional issues, resulting in blocks in the energy channels. Massage can cause these blockages to release, relieving built up tension and resulting pain.

Clinical Massage Therapy

Often referred to as Medical Massage, clinical massage therapy includes advanced soft tissue techniques specifically to reduce pain and provide balance in the musculoskeletal structure. In the state of Texas, a massage therapy license is obtained for 300 hours, the focus of which is anatomy, physiology, and pathology related only to relaxation massage. At Healing Touch Therapies, our clinical therapists have a minimum of 500 hours which includes advanced anatomy, physiology, and pathology along with various ways to address structural issues.
What Massage Can Do For You
Relaxation & stress reduction
Relief of chronic pain (low back, neck, shoulders or other)
Relief of specific pain due to injury or trauma
Increase restricted joint movement
Prevention of adhesions, fibrosis, over-use muscle contraction
Increase in circulation (detoxification by ridding body of wastes & toxins)
Complement other modalities (acupuncture, chiropractic, counseling)
Relieves the "Touch Deficit", or other emotional issues
Release of unresolved trauma in the energy system
Assist in healing after surgery, childbirth
Assist in detoxification and boosting the Immune Response

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